

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Daily Food

As I have mentioned a few times, 21 Day Fix was LIFE CHANGING for me!  Not just the workouts but the way of eating (notice I didn't use the word diet).

I tried "eating right" just really by portion control and that just did NOT work for me.  I was working out and still not loosing any weight.  I finally committed...and in that 21 days I lost 6.6 lbs!  IN ONE MONTH!  This proved to me 100% that what you eat DOES matter!
[The next month because of a medical prescribed diet and lowering my calorie intake WAY more than is truly healthy, I lost another near 15 lbs!  I don't recommend that.]

I didn't follow the 21DF every day.  I usually stuck pretty hard to it Monday-Friday, tried my best on Saturday, and then Sunday was my "free" day (not my "screw-up-all-my-hard-work-and-pig-out" day).

My favorite part about this plan is that it teaches you portion control AND teaches you how much of what you should be eating every day.  I tried calorie counting before...I could really eat whatever I wanted as long as I didn't go over my calories...but that's the thing, I was eating whatever I wanted.  I wasn't eating fruits and veggies...I was eating cheeses and other things that really should be limited.  I also like it because it's a great visual, especially for teaching my son about food.  We don't always succeed at this plan, but we try our best.

Ok, here goes, what do I eat every day?

First, according to my weight this is what I should eat everyday:

  • GREEN: Veggies, 3 servings
  • PURPLE: Fruit, 2 servings
  • RED: Protein, 4 servings
  • YELLOW: Carbs, 2 servings
  • BLUE: Healthy Fats/Cheese, 1 serving
  • ORANGE: Seeds/Oils, 1 serving

Once you get used to the serving sizes you don't have to use the provided containers everyday, but you certainly can.

Shakeology RED

Morning Snack
Noosa Yogurt RED PURPLE

Tuna / Chicken / Ham RED
Pickle / Celery GREEN (I'm not a huge veggie fan, so I do my best)

Apple / Strawberries PURPLE
Pickle / Celery / Olives GREEN


BOOM!  There it is!  The magnificent secret.  I don't eat the same thing for dinner or even lunch every night but this is the typical guide of my daily menu.  As you can see, I didn't even get all my green containers in...I just don't like veggies so that one is hard for me, I really try though.  I classify tomatoes as a veggie, so when I have Chili I get my greens in.  You'll also notice I have pickles and olives listed as veggies.  Olives are usually classified as an orange, but I have to move things around to make it work.  I used to eat a lot of carrots, but for about 2 months (because of my medical diet) I ate carrots EVERY SINGLE DAY and I honestly can't choke them down anymore.

How do you plan your meals and menu?  As I've mentioned in previous posts, dinner is the worst and I still struggle with that, but I'm trying to get to a place where I can get better at that...someday.

P.S. I don't take supplements either, other than potassium, twice a day (otherwise I get MASSIVE charlie horses in my sleep).

Jess Because...Fitness DOES Matter

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