99% of the time I workout alone. Mainly because the best time for me to workout is after I put my son (J.J.) to bed. But I do, occasionally, enjoy a workout partner. Occasionally I get to attend a LIVE TurboKick or PiYo class taught by some of my amazing friends, Amy and Caitlin. Those workout are AWESOME and I miss them when we don't have them (silly Amy thinks having a baby gets her off the hook for awhile...ok, we'll give her a break)!
Sometimes J.J. watches me workout at home. I don't enjoy when he watches me, makes me feel self conscious or something. I do think it's good for him to see me workout. Most of the time since I workout after he goes to bed he'll ask me as he is going to brush his teeth "Mom, are you going to workout tonight?"
Sometimes J.J. even wants to or is invited to do the workout with me. Since I started a new workout program, Core de Force, and it was kicking my butt and J.J. hadn't seen it yet I invited him to join me Thursday night. He didn't have school today (Friday) so he could stay up a little later.
My oh my...Core de Force with this one was a mistake. He had fun, in fact, I think he really enjoyed himself....me however, not so much. He wanted to talk to me the ENTIRE time! I'm so out of breath after the first 3 minutes that I can't talk. I had to ask him a few times to stop talking, but with my wonderful child, sitting quite for that long just isn't possible. He hopped on the couch for a few and watched, then hopped back up and joined me again. He mostly just did the punches and didn't do any of the knee combinations, which is totally fine. He was fun to watch but not fun to workout with! Love him to death though! We both zonked out asleep pretty quickly that night.
Who do you workout with? Do you have a workout partner? Do you prefer to workout alone?
Jess Because...Fitness DOES Matter
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